three things thursday!
1. Bondi bands! Someone very nice at Bondi Band sent me two to try out - one is a shinier fabric, one is more stretchy. I've tried them both, and they both kick butt at my #1 pet peeve - hair flying in my mouth while I'm running/cycling/etc. I've been wearing one under my helmet while cycling to try and prevent swamp-helmet-head, and I totally heart it.
This is a pic of the one I've been wearing most often:
This is a pic of the one I've been wearing most often:
So cute! Shiny peace signs!
Sadly, I don't have one to give away (unless someone wants one that's been stretched out by my fat head and sweated in), but Bondi Band gave me something even better: a coupon code just for you guys!
Buy 3, Get 1 FREE: use coupon code ONE.
Buy 5 for $25: use coupon code FIVE.
We just won't talk about how many of these I need to own.
2. My big news: I'm going to run the Crystal City Twilighter 5K on Saturday night. My first post-ITBS actual running race!! I'm more excited than I probably should be for a 5K. I am setting a pretty easy goal for myself: finish. I think I have it in my legs to smash the potatoes out of my PR, but it's definitely not happening this weekend, as much as I want to chase it down. And my IT band has been a tiny bit grumpy as I've been adjusting to the outside, so I may even end up doing a little walk/running, depending on how it feels. If anyone wants to run with me/pace me/come back to laugh at me as I get dusted by the guy with the triple-stroller, let me know - I'll definitely need an post-race ice cold beer, if nothing else!
3. Conte's hill workout. HOLY EVERLIVING MOTHER OF CRAP. Now I know.