where to even begin...

The weekend that my grandmother passed away, team amazing day was hosting training camp in Boulder. My third and the largest one yet, and Colorado weather made sure to teach me a good lesson about planning. Unlike camp in February, where we had cracking 65ยบ weather through the last day when we were treated to a few inches of perfect fluffy snow, this time we got hammered with rain, flooding, hail, snow, thunder, wind. By the end of the weekend, I think the only workout that we had completed as originally on the schedule was the race. Regardless of all of that, I love hosting training camp; to spend time with athletes in person is priceless. But also to watch how they work through a challenging weekend, to see how they fare and react as the fatigue piles up, I know, your crotch hurts and you’re tired of eating and then a road was closed so everyone got lost , when it stops being easy and fun and starts been plain old hard work, those are special moments...