trust the timing of your life
As it goes with bloggers everywhere, the longer you are away from your space, the more difficult it is to return. I’ve read some articles lately glumly predicting the death of blogs entirely, claiming that technology is pressing advancement to platforms requiring a much shorter attention span than the one required to sit down and actually read the run-on thoughts of a random internet stranger. It makes sense. While I am a person that absolutely hates change and only gets a new iPhone when I drop the old one in a puddle or the Pacific Ocean, I can appreciate this trend, even if it’s not for me. But that’s not where I’ve been, or why I’ve been gone. I haven’t stepped away for any other reason than I don’t know what to say, and now that I am trying to be here again, I can tell I've forgotten the process of trying to crap it all out in the first place. There is vulnerability is discussing failure, BrenĂ© taught the world that several years ago . ...