on training again & figuring shit out
After Boulder, Michelle and I had a good talk, and hopefully she won't mind me sharing a piece of it. She told me that she didn't want me to drop out of the marathon because she knew it would be excruciating to walk for six hours, which it was, and because she wanted me to hit rock bottom, which I did. And she didn't want me to do either of those things because she wants to torture me, she did it because she wanted me to finally start figuring out how to change. So now a month has passed, and a lot, in fact, has changed (not puppies, they are the same). The first thing I did after ironman was reach out for help in dealing with all of the crap I was going through. Which maybe was long overdue with my specific challenges related to sport, but for whatever reason, I wasn't ready until now. And maybe that's why the universe dumped me on the doorstep of IM Boulder, so I would keep dealing with my shit. I accept that. I know that I've been lucky...