three things thursday
1. After 2 pretty solid swims, I'm feeling a bit less blah. Or, still blah, but my arms/chest/back are pleasantly exhausted so I have other things to bitch about. I've been cycling - slowly - on the recumbent bike at the gym for 10 minutes a day, and today I stepped it up to 15 minutes for a whopping 3.25 miles. Watch out, I'm a wild woman. Tomorrow I might shoot for 20. In general, my IT band feels mostly okay, but every once in a while it will seize and I'll get a hot flash of pain. Ouch. But the good news is, when I wake up in the morning, I am walking without a limp. As I go through my day it deteriorates, but I'm calling every baby step progress. Looking ahead to my next appointment on Tuesday, I am certain that there's no freaking way he'll clear me for running - and I actually don't want to be cleared, because just the thought of taking a jogging step makes me hurt in my dark places - but I'm hoping he'll be pleased with my pr...