New Orleans 70.3: race report
The last thing I felt like doing after all the events of last week was racing. The week before the race didn't feel like a normal taper. I wasn't crabby and crazy and finding mysterious injuries everywhere, I didn't give up something essential in my diet, and I did not almost get divorced. The only noticeable difference in my life was that with only one workout to do most days, I slept in and then felt blah and had crazy hair until lunchtime. I spent the entire week not wearing a watch or a strap or looking at a clock, and I had almost no desire to complete workouts with everything else that was going on. I floated through the week feeling meh. No pre-race anxiety, no stressing about times or distances, just meh. Saturday morning I flew down to New Orleans, where it was sunny and full of palm trees and 70+ degrees out. That helped. I picked up my tiny rollerskate of a rental car and drove to Heidi's house (best race host ever, by ...