Arizona 70.3: race report
After Santa Cruz, I headed to DC for a wedding. And in hindsight, I can see it coming. I set out on a long run Saturday morning with some friends and my heart rate was through the roof....notable both because of my elephant heart and because sea level usually does a bit of the opposite. I chalked it up to travel and ignored it, and spent the rest of the day at the wedding drinking beer and dancing and going to get donuts at 10:30pm before Sugar Shack closes, as you do. On Sunday, we went out for a short little run and I came back complaining of what I thought was heartburn, giving me one hell of a sore throat. By the time Tuesday afternoon rolled around, I was sick. I don't get sick all that often, thank goodness, but this one was a doozy. I missed close to a solid week of training there, and then it took another week of very short and gentle workouts to get me ramped back up into what I consider normal, which left maybe two da...