giveaway tuesday!
It's time for another giveaway! CSN contacted me about doing a giftcard giveaway, and of course I said yes - what an awesome gift for one of you! I'll be giving away a $60 giftcard. CSN hosts a whole range of websites, where you can buy anything from a blender to kitchen tables to barbells. Scoot over there and take a look at what they've got! Now the really exciting to enter! I'm going to give you 3 awesome chances to win. 1. Become a follower or tell me that you are one AND ( I've shamelessly stolen this idea from another great mind ) ask me a question. I'll answer ALL of the questions, so go freakin' nuts. 2. Go follow me on Twitter & tweet this giveaway. Include "CSN stores" and @thisamazingday in your tweet so I can see it and give you credit. Be creative! 3. Take a look at their site and let me know what you would buy with the giftcard. I'll randomly choose a winner next week when...