three things thursday

1. This no-running thing sucks a big fatty.  I didn't realize how much 9-12 miles per week was keeping me sane.  And thanks to the rain, 2 morning rides have been rained out this week.  My ass is pretty tired of the stationary bike.  Oh, AND I didn't go pool running this morning because I decided that eating my weight in melted cheese then chocolate fondue and then drinking the better part of a bottle of wine and sleeping in until 8AM (yep, I'm a sloth) sounded like a better idea.  Ugh.

2. I totally suck at reading a calendar.  I did a long ride last Sunday thinking I had 2 weeks to the Reston Century.  I was planning on doing 2 20-30 milers during the week, and a short ride of 35-40 this weekend to let my legs taper just a bit, as my quads are still pretty trashed from the long ride.  Errrm, oops.  It's this weekend.  I'm a genius.  Oh well, FREE ICE CREAM at the finish!  Woohoo!

3. I just realized I didn't have any ice cream yesterday, for the first time in probably a month.  WHOMP!!!  (We won't talk about how this is because of the massive amount of sugar I ingested at dinner).  I'd like to call it a major success.  YES.