NOLA 70.3: race report
In the week leading up to this race, a lot of people asked me what I wanted out of it, what my goals were, what I hoped to do. And to all of them, I said essentially the same thing, I want to see what happens and that was all (except for when I said it in front of my masters coach and he made the face he makes when he wants to hold me underwater until I stop kicking and started spouting off crap about breathing count and effort and stroke and sighting). Sometimes I would add something like, no broken bones would be great! But that was about it. The week before a race, I try to steer clear of triathletes and twitter and anything else that is going to give me anxiety about the day. Most of my time was spent sitting on my ass reading, working, napping with a little bit of lunging outside every time the temperature went over 70ยบ to try and prepare my skin for scorching southern sunshine. I've read a lot of excellent ...