december: out with a bang

Let's take a look back... December Goals Finish the Jingle All The Way 10K under 1:05 (more on this later). Smashed it, with a new PR to boot. Stop living off of noodles, tomato sauce, and cheese. Eat a vegetable, for crying out loud. Semi-success - lots more fruits, some more veggies. Keep planning the workout dates. (Anyone?) Looking back, I actually had lots of workout dates - mostly running. Who wants to go lifting? Do some Christmasy things in DC I've never done before. Done! Work up to 20 mpw. Don't stress about pace. Finishing the month at 18 mpw, 24-26 mpw including pool miles. Finish the swim in Key West without having a giant anxiety attack because of a fish. Finished solidly, albeit much slower than I'd hoped. Buy some new dress clothes and DON'T RETURN THEM. I have not yet returned the Target dress pants. WIN. Maybe - MAYBE - try to not eat 45 cupcakes this month. Maybe. Maybe indeed. I think it's pretty fair to call December a month...