november: the month of the 5K

Let's see how November went.

November Goals
Register for a race.  Ignore time despite extreme likelihood of PW & listen to body. Completed 3 races this month and - this is either surprising or depressing - no PW.
Look for some new recipes.  Break out of the 5-meal rotation.  I tried a lot of new recipes this month.  Many of them were edible.
Go back to the Egyptian Magician, despite possibility of bitch-slapping for having surgery.  No bitch-slapping - in fact, I'm really glad I went back, as we're handling all my little tweaky things.
Man up and ride outside as long as possible.  I don't know if I'd call this a success...I definitely had many outside rides this month, but I also bought a trainer after a rough 45º ride.
Do not, under any circumstances, buy clearance Halloween candy.  BACK AWAY FROM THE CANDY.  WOOHOO!  Candy resistance is clearly my superpower. 

It's hard to remember where I was a month ago.  When November started, I had run a total of 10 seconds.  As of today, I've racked up quite a few 4M, 5M, and even one 6-mile run.  I completed 2 5Ks and one 5K-turned-2M-disaster (and am now completely sick of running 5Ks).  I've settled happily into a new relationship with my 2150's, and added to the family on Black Friday, when I found them on sale for $69 over at Sports Authority.  And bought 2 pairs.  I'm still dealing with a lumpy healing IT band, a looking-for-attention other IT band, a twingey knee/quad thing, and a slightly tight/weak lat, but I'm going to the Egyptian Magician, I'm doing everything he says, and I am fully focused on not doing too much too soon.  I ran 8 mpw, then 10, then 12, and I'm hoping for 14 this week.  The walk-to-run ratio is decreasing a little bit every run - this morning I ran 3.3 with 2 minutes walking/8 minutes running.  All of this makes me feel happy and at peace in a way that I haven't since that  8-miler back in March that kicked off this whole injury mess.  And I'm finally in a place where I've healed enough to workout with friends again, and I love it.  Swimming has taken a bit of a hit, as I dealt with fatigue problems for a lot of the month, but I think I figured that one out on Monday.  And I desperately miss cycling, but am way too much of a wimp to deal with sub-50º temperatures and 14 hours of darkness.  So the trainer it is.  Emotionally, I had quite a bit of a rough month.  But I am trying to breathe and remember that I am human.  I am going to fail sometimes.

Miles run: 55 (8 in the pool - that needs to improve)
Miles cycled: 101 (oof.  That hurts.)
Rest days: 3
Lasagnas cooked and devoured in 2 days: 2
Ovens set on fire: 1
Hangovers: 4 (on consecutive days...)
Sparkly dresses returned: 1
Sparkly dresses tried on: huge, overlarge number.
Turkey Trots skipped: 1
Packages of Dubliner cheese eaten: 5? 7? (JAMIE.)

December Goals
Finish the Jingle All The Way 10K under 1:05 (more on this later).
Stop living off of noodles, tomato sauce, and cheese.  Eat a vegetable, for crying out loud.
Keep planning the workout dates. (Anyone?)
Do some Christmasy things in DC I've never done before.
Work up to 20 mpw.  Don't stress about pace.
Finish the swim in Key West without having a giant anxiety attack because of a fish.
Buy some new dress clothes and DON'T RETURN THEM.
Maybe - MAYBE - try to not eat 45 cupcakes this month.  Maybe.