mantra compilation + giveaway winner!
I think my favorite thing about this giveaway is the huge stack of mantras that I have collected. Just thinking through them all should get me through any race. Some favorites: Amy says, "Fatigue Is A Choice." This weekend Amy is running the Eugene Marathon, and I know this one will be on her mind in those last miles. (She's headed out there with Beth - these two ladies are primed and ready to crush this race. Go wish them luck!) Several people said their mantra is "HTFU." Could someone please tell me what that means? I know, I'm old and not with it. Sarah with an H is trying to like, "Be Bold" as her mantra. I actually kind of love this one! ohmmommy is coming back after an injury and has two: "Strong glutes, little steps" (this one rings particularly true to my weak ass) and "Embrace the pace." Ultrarunnergirl writes that her mantra is "Relentless Forward Progress." I actually thought o