Battle for Ballston 5K: race report
Okay, it's super full-disclosure time. (This will be long). I had IT band surgery in 2006. I didn't really start running again until 2008. My first 5K post-surgery was on 10/14/08, and I ran a 32:45 and wanted to die. I signed up 2 days before the event and was bib number 13. I think less than 100 people ran it, and while I wasn't dead last, I was alone. Ugh, done. Since then, I've run a handful of races around my various injuries - stress fracture, other IT band issues, weird foot mystery no one ever figured out. I've also had a DNS for 3 major races (10M, 13.1, 10M) that I've done 80% of the training for and gotten injured within 2 weeks of the race. Running and I have a love-hate relationship. I love running, and it hates me IN THE FACE. The second race I ran post-surgery was a Turkey Trot (November 2008) up in PA. My sister and her friend were running it, and my only goal was to finish enough ahead of her that I could ...