on adventure
I am a sentimental person. A bit of a gross understatement along the lines of sometimes people do not agree on Facebook . For a long time, I was embarrassed by the deep extent of my emotional, nostalgic, downright cheesy streak. I have an excellent memory for important events in my life; one of my high school boyfriends and I still argue about which day who said what to who and which song was playing on the radio when it happened back in 1996. Every important event in my life has music linked to it, emotionally, embarrassingly so. I can clearly recall the Indigo Girls song that was playing the first time I kissed my now-husband, the Nico & Vinz that played on repeat while training for my first crack at IM Boulder, the Diana Krall that never fails to rip my heart wide open, the Journey song that made my ears ring in the bar down the shore where I first met one of my oldest friends, the Lionel Richie I played on repeat for months after my first silly teenage...