
Showing posts from November, 2012

three things thursday

1. One of the great things about moving to Boulder is that suddenly I live in the same town as two other Sonja ponies.  Great for us, hair-pully-outy for her, I am sure.  Both of them had a MAF test on the schedule for this morning.  I knew that my first week back would definitely include one, so I decided to get one up on Sonja and crash theirs to see exactly how much fitness I've lost in the past several months.  This is the moon, by the way, along with Mikki breaking into the track. I believe that I have found the recipe for the worst MAF test in the history of my training.  Two weeks coughing up little pieces of lungs and laying in bed.  Add in suddenly living at 5400' instead of 0' and stir briskly.  I'm not even sure it could be called running, more of a bouncy walk.  And I'm not stressed about it at all.  I've actually been in a bit of a funk this week, missing my family and being sad about being apart from them at my favorite t...

wordless wednesday

To my family: welcome home.

deep rest repeat

After the show that was B2B, I took a week of deep rest .  I had a week of physical peace, even though I was traveling and worrying and calculating and then we decided to move most of the way across the country.  But it appears that wasn't enough, because the first morning I woke up in Boulder, I had a bit of a scratchy throat.  Over the day, that blossomed into a deep-in-my-chest sickness that sent me home from work early my first three days in the office (am model employee right off the bat) and had me in bed for a solid week. I canceled my Thanksgiving plans with my girlfriends and instead laid around reading library books and hanging out with the friend I am staying with in Boulder and her awesome family (lucky them).  And for the first time since I've been active, I did not worry one little second about taking the days off, or resting, or missing any fitness.  Not even a little, secretly, underneath.  Instead I just gave in to what my body wanted....

wordless wednesday: thankful

Thankful. Thankful. Thankful. So very thankful. 

so, I live here now

So, I live here now. My body is still on east coast time and probably will be for a while.  I wake up in the dark and get tired at 3pm, plus I've caught a cold - surprise - after the events of the past week, so I'm sleeping twice as much as normal anyway.  My car is here, which is weird, because it's here because we drove it here, and I still kind of can't believe that we drove it here.  If that makes any sense at all, which I know it does not.   We made it through Kansas and into Colorado, unloaded the U-Haul into my storage unit and here I am, sitting on my friend's couch with my laptop after my first day of work.  My friends have all boarded planes back east, but I am so happy they made the drive out with me.  Friends like this are good for my soul. I started work, which I've only done in the office for one day but I already adore it, the people are fantastic and the culture is exactly what I was looking for.  My to-do list is miles long an...

in motion

At a meeting a few weeks ago, one of the things we discussed was clearing your mind of all the other things in life that are distracting and concentrating on being present.  It was a moment of clarity, a balancing, a reminder to not get caught up in the future but to focus on only the things that are within my control, and I’ve been trying really hard to stay true to that.  Be present. When I got offered my new job, our life was thrown into a tailspin of questions, of to-do lists, of realtors and moving trucks and driver’s licenses and road trips and selling furniture on Craig’s List and packing boxes labeled "BOOKS (SCARY)" in hopes that when I pull them out of storage in a few months, I have even a remote chance of recalling what is inside them.  We cleaned out our house, we put it on the market, and I started to pack. That doesn’t mean that I have lived every moment in perfection and boy oh boy, is talking about your life on the internet the best way to be cons...

Veteran's Day 10K: race report

So far, my very loose plan of doing lots of easy jogging and not much else this month has been going well.  It's making me happy.  I feel really chill about it, like it's okay to just let loose and not worry right now.  I've done one double run day and taken a few days off completely, and none of it is bothering my OCD (or my body) in the slightest.  Since this was going to be my last weekend in DC, Sarah and I decided late in the week to sign up and run a 10K.  A chance to visit with Hains Point one more time before I left.  I had absolutely zero interest in running hard, and just wanted to spend the morning around runners for (probably) the last time in this city (please pretend you can't see how fat I've gotten since the wheels fell off my training okay thanks). We parked far enough away to get in a good walk/jog warm-up to the start.  After a few clothing changes and a kiss from Graham, we were off. I realized in the car that I completely did...

wordless wednesday

Our house officially goes on the market today. It's real, and it's good, but it's also very sad.  We got married here.  Graham peed on the Christmas tree skirt here the first day we brought him home.   We've had millions of parties: poker, BBQs, or even just dragging people in the front door and forcing them to eat things.  I became a triathlete here, an ironman; my husband, a marathoner.  Every inch of this house has been painted, I know the sounds of the heat roaring on and the neighbors fighting in the driveway yet again.  I know every step of the 3.1 mile loop, the 4 mile loop, the 8 mile loop, how many times I have to go around Hains Point to hit 20 miles, I can turn off my alarm clock and be in the pool six minutes later exactly.  And now we are moving on.