three things thursday
1. One of the great things about moving to Boulder is that suddenly I live in the same town as two other Sonja ponies. Great for us, hair-pully-outy for her, I am sure. Both of them had a MAF test on the schedule for this morning. I knew that my first week back would definitely include one, so I decided to get one up on Sonja and crash theirs to see exactly how much fitness I've lost in the past several months. This is the moon, by the way, along with Mikki breaking into the track. I believe that I have found the recipe for the worst MAF test in the history of my training. Two weeks coughing up little pieces of lungs and laying in bed. Add in suddenly living at 5400' instead of 0' and stir briskly. I'm not even sure it could be called running, more of a bouncy walk. And I'm not stressed about it at all. I've actually been in a bit of a funk this week, missing my family and being sad about being apart from them at my favorite t...