random friday facts

1. When I meet people, I always look at the size of their upper arms.  Usually they are much skinnier than mine and I am jealous.  This probably makes me a bad person.

2. If my dog was a person, he'd be a heart surgeon, based on what he does to all of his stuffed animals.

3. I don't like it when the people at my gym say goodbye to me.  But I feel bad ignoring them, so I always turn my music down so I can hear if they say it.

4. I HATE shopping in stores.  I don't like when salespeople talk to me either.  Despite having worked in retail, where I know the sign of a good staff is lots of offers for help, I much prefer stores where people just leave me alone.

5. I realized yesterday that I've biked/run almost 3x as many miles as I've driven in the past month.  And that includes my 130-mile trip to PA.  This makes me happy.

6. I haven't purchased makeup in probably a year.  I'm okay with this.

7. I desperately need a bikini wax, but now that I'm going on a mini-vacation at the end of the month, I'm going to wait until right before I go.  My apologies to everyone at the W-L pool until then.  I much prefer waxing to anything else because I like things that are clean.

8. I am unreasonably excited about getting new baseboard molding next week.

9. I completely sympathize with people who are hermits.  If I could never leave my house, I think that would be okay.

10. My socks almost never match.

11. I've totally checked out of my 2 classes.  Both have about 3 weeks left and I haven't done any of the reading in about, ohhhh, 3 weeks?  At least?  I'm ready to be done.

12. I think it's totally acceptable for a family of 2 to have 6 or more cars.  This from the person who drives about 4 miles per week.

13. Sometimes I play Snood during conference calls.

14. I love the smell of a brand-new shower curtain.

Have a great weekend, everyone!