april showers bring may flowers

Well, let's take a look at April's goals, shall we?

April Goals
Set a post-injury 5K PR (this post-injury PR thing is THE BEST)
Finish the Cherry Blossom 10M (another post-injury PR! amazingpants!) 
Finish the Cherry Blossom 10M NOT being chased by the tail car
Teach the puppy how to shake (he has a mental block about it)
Stop spitting on people while running
Get back in the stupid pool, pending doctor okay
Buy some new sports bras so I can stop wearing 2 at a time
Add 1 fruit/veggie to my day
Do 1 actual speed workout (let's be realistic here, people)
Get a bikini wax BEFORE it gets to the point that the woman says, "You have the werry bad hairs."
Run with someone new (I'm looking at you guys!)


So here's how I actually did....

Set a post-injury 5K PR (this post-injury PR thing is THE BEST) Did this, but it wasn't the sub-29 I was hoping for.
Finish the Cherry Blossom 10M (another post-injury PR! amazingpants!) DNS due to injury.  
Finish the Cherry Blossom 10M NOT being chased by the tail car That would require actually running it.
Teach the puppy how to shake (he has a mental block about it) He can do this, but not if you say, "Shake."  Silly pup.
Stop spitting on people while running I think at least 90% of my runs this month were on a treadmill, where it's frowned-upon to spit on people.  So, success!
Get back in the stupid pool, pending doctor okay I don't feel bad about not making this one.  My shoulder isn't strong enough yet, but I know I'm doing everything I can.
Buy some new sports bras so I can stop wearing 2 at a time Didn't do this, but my shoulder swelling went down and I'm back in only 1 sports bra.  I still need some new ones though, but hate spending the money.
Add 1 fruit/veggie to my day I think this is my huge victory from April.  I definitely had at least 1 per day, most days were 2, and many days were 3-4.  
Do 1 actual speed workout (let's be realistic here, people) I think that I can also label this one as a success.  In the walk/runs I've been doing, the "run" portion is significantly faster than my normal pace. 
Get a bikini wax BEFORE it gets to the point that the woman says, "You have the werry bad hairs." Gdmt.  Didn't do this, and need to, with a trip to sunny Albuquerque coming up this week.
Run with someone new (I'm looking at you guys!) Didn't do this, unless you count my sweaty treadmill neighbors.

April was a rough month.  I started the month jubilant with a successful shoulder surgery behind me and a few post-surgery runs under my belt.  I felt strong - stronger than I actually was, as I learned.  Little did I know that the 8-miler I did on the very last day of March would undo everything I had planned for April.  As I've mentioned before, I am trying to take the blessing that I can from this, as I spent more time lifting and cross-training this month than I ever have, and I think - I KNOW - it's making me more well-balanced and stronger than I've ever been.  I've got an appointment with my ortho in about 10 more days, and I should know by then whether or not I'm really on top of this IT band thing.  My last few runs have still had tightness, but no pain.  If that is me getting stronger to overcome it, I'll work with it, but if the hot-poker-jammed-down-my-shorts-feeling is going to linger and never go away, this is not okay.  I'm going to make the "run" chunks of the walk/run longer this week to try and determine which one it is.  I did a great cardio mix on Friday (2 miles on elliptical, 4 miles on the bike, and 1.2 mile walk/run), which is great for my overall fitness, but I'm starting to hate the freakin face off the treadmill.  I need to get outside.

I think another win of this month is that despite the fact that I can't run, I still feel as if I am living a healthier life.  Like it or not, the bike and the elliptical and all that lifting is good for me.  Even though I'm not meeting very many of my personal goals right now, and I'm still a little more "marshmellow" than "concrete" in the abdominal/rear/thigh areas, I'm still living a healthier lifestyle than I was 6 months ago, when I let my injury control my life.  I'd still like to drop another 10-15 lbs, but I'm not going to obsess over it, especially now while I'm side-lined from running.  I'm just going to keep working every day to make choices that will make me healthier and stronger than the day before.  

Miles run: 26, and I fought for every one.
Miles cycled/elliptical'd: 98
Long Runs: 0
Runs Where I Finished In Tears: 3.  This is not okay.
Minutes Spent Fighting my IT band (core, weights): 1503
Minutes Spent Writing Blog Posts Bitching About My IT band: 2 million (approx)
Runs on a Treadmill While Watching CSI: 7
Times My Butt Fell Asleep On The Stationary Bike: 27
Races: 1
Races Missed Due to Injury: 5
Races Missed Due to a Hangover That I Sorta Blamed On Injury: 1
Times I Wanted To Cry Because I Saw Someone Running While Driving: at least 10
Races That I Spectated When I Was Supposed To Be Running: 1, and this is very okay.
Boyfriends that PR'd the shit outta their 5K time: 1 (25:24 down from a 29:30ish)

So obviously I was a little too excited about April.  In May, we're gonna back way down.

May Goals
Run 1 race, no longer than a 5K
Stop eating 2 Luna Bars & a banana and calling it lunch
Get back in the pool
Find a new way to get more protein and less carbs in my diet (i.e. bread and cheese is not a food pyramid)
Stay on the bike longer than 40 minutes (see: sleeping ass)
Increase the weight I am lifting in every exercise
Add 1 fruit/veggie to every day (goal per day: 2)
Continue to fight the IT band by doing core/hip work 5x a week; lifting 3x a week; squats, theraband, and stretching every day
Keep thinking about buying a bike (not quite ready for this level of commitment yet)

And the most important thing for me to remember:

What are your goals for May?