three things thursday
1. I know you guys are tired of hearing about this injury soap opera, but trust me, I am WAY more tired of living it than you are of hearing it. I saw another (new) PT yesterday. Hey, your SI joint is out of alignment, did you know? So she put it back, very gently, which of course brought my pain back up from an 8 to a 10. I guess the reason it hurts so much is that as soon as someone aligns it, it starts trying to un-align itself again, which results in my sacrum grinding against my illus and the big fat stack of spinal nerves that live in there. Yes, I said "grinding" and "nerves" in the same sentence. Oh, and she agreed with Dr. P that my piriformis problems were actually a symptom of another problem (everything on my right side being tight + bad alignment) and that the pain I was feeling in my piriformis was actually my sciatic nerve being compressed. High fives for getting incorrect treatment in PT for 3 months! So I left PT barely able to walk and had a few more meltdowns over the next 2 hours. Who wants to trade lives with me?
2. I also know that you guys probably think I love my dogs too much, but if it wasn't for them, I don't know that I would have made it through the past 2 weeks. I definitely wouldn't have made it through yesterday.
3. I've already picked out a back-up race. I do NOT want to talk about it.
2. I also know that you guys probably think I love my dogs too much, but if it wasn't for them, I don't know that I would have made it through the past 2 weeks. I definitely wouldn't have made it through yesterday.