all-call: swimmers ahoy!

Well, it appears that I can still - sort of - swim.
I (very apprehensively) went to the pool last night to test out both swimming and pool running.  Swimming seems to be okay - there is some slight awareness going on when I kick, which I think is from body roll, but it's pretty slight and I'm hoping I'm not making anything worse.  I'm going to go bazooka-insane if I can't do anything, so swimming it is.  Pool running was another story - I thought I would try it without the belt, because working the core is how this will heal, but I was a mess after 2 minutes so I went and got the belt.  With the belt, I was able to very slowly and gently cycle my legs without pain or discomfort.  But when I got out of the pool afterwards, things felt a bit weird and tight, so I think I might nix the pool running for a few more days.

However, I'm bored to tears with my current swim sets and would love some input on ways to mix it up.  Here's what I did last night:
- 1000yd warm-up (500yd free, 500yd pull)
- 500yd drill (5x100yd: single arm drill, fingertip entrance drill, body roll drill, catch drill, 3/5/7 breathing)
- 1500yd step-down ladder (increasing speed with each set: 400yd, 300yd, 200yd, 100yd, and then attempt to maintain the 100yd pace for 500yd, be ready to puke if you don't start carefully)

This is basically a variation on my usual swim - warm-up mixing free and pull, 500 yards of drills, and then some kind of sprint set - either a ladder (50/100/200/300/200/100/50 being a favorite) or a descending ladder like last night, or alternating hard/easy 50s with no recovery.  Usually I do a few kick sets, but not with the current state of body affairs.  But I'm getting bored, so I'm sending out a plea for help.  A few disclaimers: now is not the time to learn other strokes (back, breast, fly, side) because I want to not do anything new that might eff up my back.  I'm going to leave kicking out until I'm healed, and will probably do more with the pull buoy than usual to try and protect myself.  Otherwise, let me have it.  What are some of your favorite workouts in the pool?