one thing thursday

1. I spent the first few days being stalwart but, you guys, I am really really not okay.  I am trying not to completely harass the internet with how completely not-okay I am, but I am not doing well.  And it's not even (totally) about the running at this point.  I'd like to be able to get out of bed without stabbing pain in my back.  I'd like to be able to drive to Target without having to think about whether or not an hour is enough time, because it hurts to put any weight on either leg so walking is pretty slow, or if it's even worth the trip because I'm hurting THAT badly.  This isn't like my IT band, where it hurt to run, but otherwise I could go out and have fun and live my life.  I've essentially been in bed for 4 solid days and it is NOT okay.  I do know that I am doing everything I can do to help this heal, but it's not happening quickly - if at all.  And yes, I have a foam roller.  Yes, I've stretched!  I've iced and seen a great PT and made doctor's appointments.  

I don't want to take a break from the blog but I'm not sure what there is for me to talk about.  "Today I cried for 6 hours and ate only Oreos while reading DIY house blogs because I can't bear to touch my Google reader."  Yeah, that's no fun for anyone.  So I'm going to try and post updates as I have any, but really, no update is no update is no update.