the "I only gained 2 pounds" october recap

Until this morning, I had pretty much forgotten that I even set goals for this month, so this should go well:

October Goals
The goal at Waterman's is execution.  Don't forget.  I guess nutrition execution gets a check?
Keep working the Z2 run and DON'T LOOK AT PACE.  I haven't been paying attention to really anything on the watch.
Branch out into the squash vegetables.  Wine is a vegetable, no?
Don't stop doing the broken butt exercises. I accomplished one goal this month!
Take time to enjoy recovery and celebrate!  Another check - I'm enjoying the heck out of recovery.

At least for celebration, I knocked it outta the park.  Waterman's was not the 70.3 I wanted or needed mentally to send me into the off-season, but it is what it is and there's nothing I can do about it now.  Post-race, I've spent most of my time running and keeping it easy.  My biggest goal was to simply maintain and slightly increase the base I had going into the 70.3, and I've done that.  I've been mostly successful at completely ignoring my watch and just running by feel - not looking at pace, HR, time, anything, and I think it's what I need right now.  To be able to just go out and stack up easy miles.  I've only been on the bike a few times since the race, and while I miss it, I'm okay with it because I'll spend plenty of time on it this winter/spring.  And I'm slowly easing back into swimming, mostly so I have something to do on my off days from running.

As for non-exercise related activities, my plate was full this month.  I spent a lot of time with friends and a lot of time with family and a lot of time eating and being drunk drinking.  I know that I'll eventually get to a point where I'm ready to jump back into training, but I'm not quite there yet.  I'm sure another month of laying around inside a wine bottle will do it, and when December 1 rolls around, I should be ready to go.

November is going to be another busy month.  The poet is running his first marathon, and after spending Sunday cheering at MCM, I couldn't be more pumped for him.  I'm racing participating in the Richmond Half, but I haven't really even figured out what my goals for the day are - or even if I should have goals.  I know that I'm not even close to being in shape to run the half I wanted to run in the spring, and I'm at ease with that.  I spent every moment of the Philly Half being so happy to be alive and excited to be running, and if I can have that kind of day again, that's a bigger triumph than the numbers on the clock.  We'll also probably run a Turkey Trot and I'll need to spend at least a day or two back on the bike so I'm ready for the Key West relay - the mafia has a title to defend.

Miles run: 84, which is 83.5 more than I ran last October
Miles run with a hangover: 9.5
Miles run in capris/tights: 4
Pounds lost during taper: 4?
Pounds gained since Waterman's as of this morning: 2.5
Birthdays celebrated in our family: 4
Jeans purchased and not returned (!): 2
Bags of Halloween candy purchased: 3
Bags of Halloween candy left in the house: 1 (partial)
Massive heart attacks induced by surprise marriage proposals: 0 (1 less than last October)

November Goals
Get back on the bike after Richmond.  
Take 2 on the squash vegetables.
Maaaaaybe stop drinking so much on weekends.  Maybe.
Check out that photography class thing at some point.
Keep the speed workouts to 1x a week and most of the miles easy.  
Wear shorts as long as possible.  45ยบ is not cold!

What are your goals for November?