random friday facts

1. I held my nose while swimming until I was.....27?

2. I think compression socks make my knees look fat.

3. The registration page for my spring 70.3 has been open in a tab for at least a month now.  I'm not sure why I can't pull that trigger.

4. I don't understand why a gas stove is better than electric.

5. We don't own an iron.

6. Gravy is disgusting.

7. It takes me 17 strokes to swim 25 yards.

8. I love doing karaoke ("Papa Was a Rolling Stone" is always a fave) in trashy bars.

9. I constantly "clean up" the refrigerator by putting things on shelves in an order that I don't really understand.

10. I'm still not completely sure that I'm doing the meters to yards conversion correctly, but it doesn't matter because that OWS always feels long and REALLY boring.

11. I read a lot of personal finance blogs.  I wish I could write one but my financial life just isn't that interesting, and I don't think I should rack up $400000 in debt just so I can blog about getting out of it.

12. If I ever popped out a kid, it would be taking piano lessons, on the swim team and going to Sunday school until it got shipped off to college.  Life skills.

13. We're thinking about moving.

14. I wish I was the kind of woman who wore really high heels, drank coffee and owned lots of scarves.  Instead I'm sitting on the bed in my underpants drinking Powerade Zero and talking to my puppies.

15. I like training for triathlon much more than race day.

16. It makes me really sad when Molly gets the hiccups.

And, not random, but just a fact: I will not be running Richmond this weekend.

Other RFF-ers:
Dietitian on the Run
Keep On Running
Knickers In A Twist
Rock The Dogs
The Run Around
Speed Laces
Miss Zippy