three things thursday

1. On and off for about a month, I've had a slightly naggy shin.  At first I thought it was due to a mileage increase mid-July, and then I thought it was due to my new Adrenalines.  Swapping them out for a pair of Ravenna's helped, but then it came back after a long ride.  I realized a few weeks ago that my bike cleat on that side was shifted inwards, so I moved it out and then it went away, but after Sunday's long ride it's back and naggy as ever.  Since it didn't show up after my 7+ mile run on Saturday but did show up after my ride, I'm still inclined to think it's related to my bike shoes or cleat placement.  I'd prefer to not spend the rest of my life wrestling with the goddamn compression socks so hopefully later today I'll get it resolved.  In the meantime, I had it Graston'd last night at PT and, well, my PT learned some new curse words and let's just leave it at that.  

2. Speaking of PT, last night was hopefully my final appointment.  I might go back in a few weeks just to check in if anything starts bothering me, but without a lot of fanfare, it's over.  I'm not completely healed, but the last two weeks have brought huge breakthroughs over and over, and only now that I'm on the other side do I realize how bad it really was, and for so long.  From the day in March when everything fell apart until about 2 weeks ago, I was in constant and relatively severe pain, all day, every day.  I got to the point several times where I told the poet that if it didn't start getting better, I wasn't completely sure that I could continue to handle living this way.  I know that chronic pain sufferers go through this and worse, but I now have an unpleasant and all-too-sharp understanding of what that tastes like.  Being injured and being unable to run is one thing, but it stopped being about not able to run when I couldn't stand, or walk, or lay down.  People have been commenting the past week or so about how cheery I am, and while we've had some great changes happen in our lives recently, I think a lot of it is largely due to the fact that I can now go hours and sometimes even days pain-free.  I'm still working on getting and staying strong in the right places, and I might always have minor twinges.  But I've healed to the point where I can look back and realize, I was in hell, I was constantly in the darkness, all that time.  Now I'm on the other side.  

3. And continuing in the "things that make me happy" theme, I'm headed up to NYC this weekend for a fabulous girly weekend of getting completely smashed dressing like whores eating and drinking and squealing and generally being incredibly annoying.  I've managed to arrange my schedule so that the only sweaty thing I'll be doing, other than working the dirty dance floor, is a 6-7 mile run Saturday morning.  Other than that, it's a cupcake-beer-martini-short-skirt-a-palooza and I can't wait to get on the train tomorrow afternoon.  I'd promise a great recap on Monday but I'm going to request a no-pictures-after-9pm rule and it'll probably all be a fabulous redheaded blur anyway.

What are your plans for the weekend?  Do they involve a pole like mine?