random friday facts

1. I erase my computer every once in a while just because.  Ditto my phone.
2. My second toe is the longest.
3. I love my Garmin.  I hate the noises.
4. I can't remember the last time I read a magazine.
5. I never capitalize things on twitter or in casual emails.  
6. The smell of bleach reminds me of a very inappropriate smell.
7. I love being outside.  I will not sleep in a tent/sleeping bag/on the ground.  Being outside is for play, when it's time to sleep, I need a bed and a pillow.
8. We still have no idea what to do with our basement.
9. I have no visible birthmarks.
10. I've lived here for 3 years and there are still packed boxes.
11. My middle finger is crooked from years of pressing too hard on a pencil.
12. I don't like it when people respell words with numbers in them.  You aren't cool, you're stupid.
13. I really wish I hadn't quit the swim team when I was 7.
14. I hate my dishwasher.
15. I essentially only eat white meat anymore, and not even that often, but sometimes I can't resist some crunchy pepperoni on my pizza.
16. I can't deal with audio books.  I get distracted and realize I've missed half the book.
17. I'm learning that keeping my training volume the same but changing all of my workouts from "easy" to "scheduled intensity" is destroying my calorie in/out.  Starving at 9pm every day this week, party of one!
18. I really want to get Molly one of those little-kid-kitchens to play in.
19. I'm never afraid or worried about bike or swim workouts anymore.  Anything faster than "easy run" completely stresses me out.
20. My cheese intake has dropped.  I'm not sure why.
21. I cut about 4 inches off of my hair last Saturday when I got out of the shower because the ratty muppet look was no long working for me.  I am never paying for a haircut ever again.  
22. I think everyone looks like an idiot in a bike helmet.
23. I haven't bought a pair of jeans that cost more than $20 in about 5 years.
Side note: if anyone would like to purchase my Reston bib, please let me know.  You can ride the 35, 65, or 103-mile options with my bib.  Food stations are delicious and scenery is gorgeous.  The 35-mile version is pretty flat, 65 is moderately hilly, 103 is a disaster.  There are no time limits on the ride.
And, as always, drop me a note if you've put up a RFF post and I'll link you.  Have a great weekend, everyone!

MCM Mama
Dash's Bites
Ab's Pear
My Reason to Tri
Racing Stripes
Lizard Runs
Twice As Hard
Movin' On Up
Failed Muffins
Rooted Practice