injury update

I've been in PT for 2 weeks now - that's 2 weeks with NO RUNNING AT ALL, for those of you keeping track at home with notches on the bedpost.  No?  Only me?  

The good news?  I already can tell that my shoulder has made a lot of progress.  I have long stretches of no pain at all, and when I do have pain, the intensity is much less.  Hopefully the adjustments I've made to my lifting program based on the PT exercises will continue to let my shoulder heal properly.  I swam 1000 yards on Saturday morning - 10x100, increasing speed on each one - and while my shoulder muscles felt very definitely fatigued at the end of this set, I had no pain.  I'm hoping to get in 2 swims of similar length/speed this week, probably around my hot pool running dates.  I think the key here is to do short stretches, to strengthen the little muscles in my shoulder and back that weren't being used for so long.

As for my IT band, there's really no way to tell what that little bastard is doing.  I have very little pain in my day-to-day life.  Cycling doesn't bother it at all, thank goodness, and I switched elliptical machines at the gym and haven't had any more tingles or snaps.  Most of the PT exercises for this I was already doing some version of, but I've added a few things into my lifting program and adjusted some others.  Occasionally during pool running, I've felt a twinge in the band itself, but I think that can be attributed to my IT band being swollen and sore from the ridiculous beating it's been taking at PT.  

I forgot to ask last Thursday if I was cleared for running, but I figure he would have told me with neon signs and balloons that I could run.  And once I can - that will be the real test.

I had a great weekend, filled with awesome friends and good food and sunshine and more than just a little bit of beer.  I'm glad fall is approaching, but this summer has been filled with so much joy that I'm a bit sad to see it go.  How was your weekend?