random friday facts

RFF side note: Thanks to everyone for such overwhelming support yesterday.  You guys make me feel pretty pumped about what's to come.  Much more on all of this next week; for now, it's random friday fact time!

1. I met Richard Dreyfuss once.  He came in the Apple Store and I fixed his computer.

2. I have only paid for a race picture once in my life, and that's because it was the worst race picture I'd ever taken.

3. I really appreciate proper usage of the semi-colon.

4. My books are organized like this: separated into categories that only make sense to me, author's last name, title.  And the ones I'm embarrassed to own are mostly in the basement.

5. I get mad at my shuffle when it plays too many songs in a row by the same artist.  That's not shuffling!

6. I have no desire to hang up or display my race medals, but the bib from every race I've ever run is in a big clip on my fridge, and on the back I write the distance, time, and date.

7. Somehow I'm getting worse at planks, not better.

8. I need it to be completely dark to sleep, but am more than a little scared of the dark.

9. I think it's a little creepy when people name their kids when they are barely pregnant.  Don't you want to meet them first?

10. I'm going to see the new Harry Potter movie tonight.  Please don't spoil the end for me before then!

11. A month or so ago, I bought the most expensive pair of sunglasses I've ever purchased in my life ($39, they match my bike, shut up).  They are still intact.  It's a miracle.

12. I've completely stopped wearing makeup to work.

13. I've had to shower every day this week.  Rude.

14. I'm afraid my rhododendron is dying.

15. Sometimes I go back through my twitter and delete stupid things I've said.  Not often, though.

16. I don't like knuckle-cracking.

17. I'm thinking about giving up ice cream for Poconos.

And last week's RFF posters linked here!  If you RFF this week (or did last week and I missed you, sorry about that, let me know and I'll update it), drop me a comment and I'll link you!
Miles to Go
Knickers in a Twist
Fat Biscuit
That Pink Girl
Beth Gets It Together

Have a GREAT weekend everyone!  Lots of luck to everyone racing!