random friday facts
1. I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day.
2. Getting a bikini wax makes me sweat.
3. Last night I had 2 beers and no ice cream. I think I just broke a year-long ice cream streak.
4. I always read before going to sleep.
5. I must empty the dehumidifier the SECOND I hear the beep.
6. That rhymed. I hate things that rhyme.
7. Running in the summer didn't bother me nearly as much when I was a slower runner.
8. My aunt has 6 toes on one of her feet. When I was a little kid, I would crawl under the table and count them.
9. I got mad at my credit card company so now I pay my bill the day it is due instead of the day after I get the bill like I used to. You can't have my money until I say so, bitches!
10. I have very low blood pressure. My resting HR is 44.
11. I tend to find a small lump or mark on my body and get really stressed out about it. I repeatedly convince myself I'm dying of some weird lump disease. And then it turns out to be a bug bite.
12. I read a lot of trashy books with pink covers. I think I'm still recovering from being in school for so long.
13. I don't drink coffee.
14. I cuss a lot more in real life than I do on the internet.
15. I still eat chicken.
16. I don't want kids, but I already know what their names would be. At least the boy. If I had a girl, I would send it back.
17. I keep no icons in my computer dock. I launch everything from Spotlight (this is a Mac thing, PC peeps).
18. Speaking of Mac thing, I am not firmly on either side of the Mac/PC war. I was a PC user for many years. I switched to Mac when I went back to grad school because of my magpie-like tendency to gravitate towards shiny things. I still use one because my company uses them (and they are still very shiny), but I don't hate PCs. It's just different.
19. Someone found my blog this week by searching for "group showers with a chicken." Hello, new best friend!
20. I'm still thinking about it.
2 non-random pieces of information....
1. I've noticed a LOT of people joining in on the RFF trend. Drop me a note if you post one and I'll link you.
2. I'm finally moving, this weekend. runthisamazingday.com is where all the awesomeness will be, starting with Monday's post. Coming straight to the blogspot site will automatically redirect you but you will have to update your RSS readers. If you update your reader now, you will get an error until I redirect the site (probably Saturday afternoon after I get done chewing on the Reston course). That's okay. Just leave it in there and the error will go away once I've moved. See you there!
Oh, and on that note, I'm un-Google Connect following people and adding addresses directly to my RSS reader instead so I can sort/read blogs better. I'm still reading all of you guys, I promise, I'm just being a little more OCD about it. (Show of hands of people who are surprised?)
2. Getting a bikini wax makes me sweat.
3. Last night I had 2 beers and no ice cream. I think I just broke a year-long ice cream streak.
4. I always read before going to sleep.
5. I must empty the dehumidifier the SECOND I hear the beep.
6. That rhymed. I hate things that rhyme.
7. Running in the summer didn't bother me nearly as much when I was a slower runner.
8. My aunt has 6 toes on one of her feet. When I was a little kid, I would crawl under the table and count them.
9. I got mad at my credit card company so now I pay my bill the day it is due instead of the day after I get the bill like I used to. You can't have my money until I say so, bitches!
10. I have very low blood pressure. My resting HR is 44.
11. I tend to find a small lump or mark on my body and get really stressed out about it. I repeatedly convince myself I'm dying of some weird lump disease. And then it turns out to be a bug bite.
12. I read a lot of trashy books with pink covers. I think I'm still recovering from being in school for so long.
13. I don't drink coffee.
14. I cuss a lot more in real life than I do on the internet.
15. I still eat chicken.
16. I don't want kids, but I already know what their names would be. At least the boy. If I had a girl, I would send it back.
17. I keep no icons in my computer dock. I launch everything from Spotlight (this is a Mac thing, PC peeps).
18. Speaking of Mac thing, I am not firmly on either side of the Mac/PC war. I was a PC user for many years. I switched to Mac when I went back to grad school because of my magpie-like tendency to gravitate towards shiny things. I still use one because my company uses them (and they are still very shiny), but I don't hate PCs. It's just different.
19. Someone found my blog this week by searching for "group showers with a chicken." Hello, new best friend!
20. I'm still thinking about it.
2 non-random pieces of information....
1. I've noticed a LOT of people joining in on the RFF trend. Drop me a note if you post one and I'll link you.
2. I'm finally moving, this weekend. runthisamazingday.com is where all the awesomeness will be, starting with Monday's post. Coming straight to the blogspot site will automatically redirect you but you will have to update your RSS readers. If you update your reader now, you will get an error until I redirect the site (probably Saturday afternoon after I get done chewing on the Reston course). That's okay. Just leave it in there and the error will go away once I've moved. See you there!
Oh, and on that note, I'm un-Google Connect following people and adding addresses directly to my RSS reader instead so I can sort/read blogs better. I'm still reading all of you guys, I promise, I'm just being a little more OCD about it. (Show of hands of people who are surprised?)