three things thursday

1.  Running is amazing.  It's so awesome.  I love it.  I feel so good.  Tuesday, I did the walk/run thang, running 11 minutes of out a 25 minute total on the treadmill.  Every muscle in my legs took turns yelling, "W. T. F." but calmed back down after I sent the message: running is here to stay!  This morning, I did more of the walk/run thang, running 19 minutes out of a 33 minute total on the treadmill, including an 8:30 mile.  LOOK OUT 2012 OLYMPICS.

However, not sure about the 2150's.  They feel great to run in, but the inside of my left heel is rubbing a bit on the side.  Going to fuss with laces and just run a few more weeks before I ditch them.  Did my ankles lose weight?

2. This weather (plus a side of ear/sinus infection) means I haven't been out on the bike since MCM spectating.  This means 2 things: a) time to buy the winter kit and b) I am really looking forward to my Sunday long ride, because I can tell that the outdoor riding is going to be intermittent for the next 5 months.  Saddest of cycling pandas.  

3. I still haven't weighed myself, but when I pulled on my dress pants yesterday, they were a wee bit snug.  Looks like the 2.5-week cupcakeapalooza is officially over.