two puppy tuesday

This edition: when they were small.  (Side note: I know it's been all ass and puppy around here lately.  Someone invite me to do something interesting so I have other shit to talk about.)

Graham came home at the incredibly young age of 7 weeks.
The first thing he did when we brought him home was pee on the Christmas tree skirt.  His bladder wasn't done forming, so we had to take him outside every 5 minutes.  
I had made a big list of names before we picked him up, and none were right.  When we were driving home with him, I said, "oh, you smell just like a box of graham crackers!" and the poet said, "Graham?"
About a week after we brought him home, a huge blizzard hit DC.  He was not a fan.
My parents lost our dog the day before Christmas, so we brought Graham up to try and make them feel a bit better over Christmas.
He was a good helper.

Another snow storm hit DC, but this time he was ready for it.
He tried as hard as he could to find out where the grass went.
When we brought Molly home, she was 14 weeks old, so we thought she'd be a little easier to train.
We were wrong.
But still, Graham was pretty cute when he was small.
At least we lucked out with one?