three things thursday

1. Hi y'all!  First of all, the blog.  If you added the new address ( to your RSS/Google reader yesterday, you WILL get an error saying nothing exists there.  That's because the blog is still here, at blogspot.  (Pause for everyone to say, "OoOOOHHHH!")  So you'll have 2 RTAD links in your reader for the next week or so until I get it moved, and then I'll let you know when you can remove the link from your reader.  Sound good?  Okay, good.  For now, keep both, because I'm going to Boston (!!!!) this weekend and I'm not entirely sure when I'll get around to moving it, but I want to make sure I don't lose anyone in the process!  Stay with me, friends!

2. Injury update.  Still unable to run, but making progress and things are healing.  The current troublemaker is the glute med, which apparently hasn't been working for quite some time now.  So I'm working on strengthening that, along with my glutes and my core and my everything else that has been a pain in the (actual) butt.  I do feel like things are healing, I'm just not ready to be running yet.  Hopefully I'll be able to run at least once before my 70.3 or it might be a serious race of swim-T1-bike-T2-walk.  I've never walked 13.1 miles but I feel like it would not be the most fun thing ever but I'll do it because it's better than a DNF.  I'm signed up for the BAA 5K on Sunday which I am still planning on doing, just walking.  I'm hoping to convince Lauren to walk with me so we can be two cackling grannies at the back huffing and puffing through our power-walk.

3. The cycling team I test-rode with on Monday has, against their better judgement, decided to allow me to join their team.  I have zero plans on racing at the moment but I'm pretty pumped to try and suck off the wheels of really strong cyclists.  Imagine how much more ice cream I can eat!

Day 12: 8 sad miles on the trainer.
Day 13: 3 rides totaling 24 miles, including a seriously excellent 10 or so at tempo pace, despite awful cross- and head-wind.
 That's a big calf, boys and girls.
 Happy because I'm flying!

Happy Thursday, everyone!  Who will I see in Boston??