random friday facts

1. The thermostat in my house is kept at 58º during the day and 60-62º at night.  The heat doesn't work all that well and after the first winter here of $300-$400 gas bills, I'd just rather be cold.

2. We live about 300 yards from a Target.  After 3 years, I'm not sure I could ever live further away from one.

3. I have at least three sets of plane tickets to buy and I'm not looking forward to spending the money.

4. My SI joint still pops out of alignment all the time.

5. I still haven't figured out how to consistently move forward while doing breaststroke.

6. Sweet potatoes are my new lunch go-to.

7. I really want to learn how to give my bike a tune-up and take it apart.  I used to fix computers, how different can it really be?

8. I use my ATM PIN on my gym locker.

9. I'm finally down to only one shelf of beer in the fridge.

10. I think I need to start swimming with my goggles under my cap because one of the straps flips over all the time when I flip-turn and it drives me absolutely crazy.

11. I've woken up three mornings in a row pinned to the bed by snoring puppies.

12. I didn't really like beer until about 2 years ago.

13. I always wake up in the middle of the night and have to pee, and I always spend time trying to convince myself that I don't instead of just getting up and going.

14. I've never met a nut I don't like.

15. I can't deal with soup.  Stew and chili is okay, but soup, ugh.

16. I need white noise while I sleep.

17. The fact that a lot of my RFF's are about sleep tells me I've been sleeping a lot.

18. I haven't been to a physical therapist in almost a month.  This might be a record.

19. I'm officially addicted to Powerade Zero.

20. I think I'm going to pay someone to do my taxes this year.

21. I'm hoping to get at least some things on my bike straightened out this weekend.

Happy Friday, everyone!  Let me know if you RFF'd and I'll try to not forget to link you!