surprised yet again by a month ending...

I had actually completely forgotten that it was the end of the month until I saw another May recap posted.  That bodes well for my goals...

May Goals
Finish the 70.3 (more on this later).  Done & triumphant!
Don't buy any more furniture. I did not buy any MORE...
Spend lots of recovery time eating, drinking, swimming with the pups and relaxing.  A recovery week in Jamaica was just what the doctor ordered.

May was a busy month.  Every weekend had something huge - graduation, a race, another race, and a vacation.  Looking back now, I can see how much anxiety I had about the 70.3, and now I laugh about it because I had no reason to worry that much.  

Running was up and down for the month - once the 70.3 was over, I backed way off, and am still dealing with some lingering issues from my SI joint disaster injury.  This month I'll start to inch back into running again, but I'm going to keep it on the easy side for sure.  I had a solid month of riding and swimming, and I'm happy, for right now, to not be in a training cycle.  I've got some races that I'd like to do in June, but for most of them, I'll sign up a few days before or even the day of and then run them for fun.  If the past few days have been any warning, it's going to be WAY too hot to do anything else.  But for the most part, I want to be able to lift every week, run as I feel I can and enjoy lots of riding.  

And all exercise aside, it was just a really great month to be alive.  
I completed my MBA, which is a huge milestone for me as I've been in school since 2006.  For the first time in at least 3 years, I spent a week almost completely disconnected from everyone except my brand-new husband, which was great both for the relaxation and to realize that I missed my life at home.  I love my house, even though it's a big falling-down money pit (a bird somehow got inside the house while we were gone?), and we missed our puppies, and our friends, and while it was nice to lay around and read and eat for 6 days, it was also nice to appreciate how lucky I am to be able to swim, bike and run the way I do.  My body isn't perfect but I love it because it is strong and tough and I have never been as happy as I've been these past few years since I finally learned that.  
But I still haven't made that damned spaghetti squash.

Miles run: 67
Pina coladas ingested during vacation: at least 30
Weird cooking experiments that turned out all right: 1
Weird cooking experiments that very definitely did not turn out all right: 1
Panic attacks about student loan payback: 9
Bugs swallowed while riding: 37
Number of things I am not allergic to: 3
Number of days I had scratchy arms after the allergy test: 3

June Goals
Don't try and PR on purpose.  Run for fun.
Have lots of grill parties (who wants to come over?)
Get sucked into 500 mile cycling challenge (sigh). 
Get my tight ass back in a yoga class.
Stop being a baby and go back to the scary hill workout.
Give tempeh one more chance.  But that's it, tempeh, you hear me?

How was your month?  What are your goals for June?