three things thursday

1. We got dumped on pretty good last night here in the DC suburbs.  So per tradition, we cracked open a bottle and hunkered down with our carbohydrates to ride out the storm.
This morning things seem to be moving pretty slow, but moving.  Our street is fairly clear, although I can see from the front door that the side streets have not been plowed.  But since I work from home, it will be business as usual for me! And them...
I'm still hopeful that things will melt like crazy and it will warm up enough to get outside for a long ride this weekend.  A girl can dream, right?

2. I've taken off completely the past two days to try and get over my cold.  Yesterday seemed to be the worst day, and this morning I actually feel quite a bit better.  But I'm not sure I'll be able to dig out my car to get to the gym, so today will either be rest day number three or a trainer ride in the basement.  Look at that, I actually was able to take a week off from lifting!  And I'm actually not that worried about missing these days - I have 2 more months of half training in front of me, and I know that taking 2-3 days off isn't going to hurt my overall fitness.  But I am tired of being sick and itching to get back into my training plan.

3. My showering habits are not the greatest.  Working from home and 2+ workouts per day make it easy to let it slide for a few days, especially when I'm in and out of the pool so often.  Hush, it's the same as a shower.  But now I've been off for two days....and why do I need a shower?  If I'm not working out, I'm not getting dirty!  When did I become such a gross boy?