random friday facts + award

I got tagged by a few people with the Stylish Blogger award.  The point is to share 7 things about yourself, so I'll do that along with the return of random Friday facts!

1. I haven't had cable for most of my adult life.  I couldn't afford it in college, or when I started teaching, and I never really missed it.  I had it for about a year or so when we moved in here, but canceled it when the price went up.  And I don't miss it at all, especially now, the age of iTunes + Hulu + Netflix.

2. I am cheap, frugal, tight, whatever you want to call it.  It's why I don't have cable, why I like eating out less and less, why I am a serial return-er, why I haven't been on a real vacation in over 4 years.  Spending money stresses me out.

3. That said, I don't mind spending it on doing things to make my house better.  Lately I've been reading a lot of DIY home improvement blogs, which I think is a disaster waiting to happen, but I love doing home improvements.  I've also been thinking about doing some "before and after" blog posts on what I've done to my house, but then I remember that I'm here to talk about running, cycling, etc.

4. If I didn't love running so much and crave it for my mental health, I think I would hate it.  It makes my knees hurt, it makes me gag with snot, it's hard, I'm not good at running either fast or long, and the weather is almost never perfect for it.  Wait.  Maybe those are more reasons why I love it?

5. I almost never drink plain water.  I usually line the bottom of a glass with a tiny bit of POM or pink lemonade or whatever, and then fill the rest up with water.  

6. Getting a second dog was really really hard, and it's tough to talk about because everyone thinks puppies are so cute.  But that first month was difficult.  We didn't get a lot of sleep, she had a lot of accidents, and having to watch her every second was stressful.  Plus she had come from a place where there were a lot of dogs around, so she didn't listen to us at all and basically acted like she was raised by a pack of wolves.  It also put a pretty big strain on our relationship.  We actually talked a few times about returning her to the breeder because of how tough it was for us, but now things are finally starting to get easier and I'm glad.  Yesterday Molly spent most of the day on the big squishy chair with Graham, both of them sleeping, and then last night she slept for about half the night on the dog bed with Graham.  I feel like I am able to exhale for the first time since she came home.

7. I almost never use the mouse.  I use keystroke commands as much as possible, and even have a few giant lists of them bookmarked.

I think that most of you guys have done this already because I'm so late to the party, but if not, consider yourself officially tagged (I'm looking at you here, Rudi)!!