three things thursday

1. I was sneezing a lot on Sunday.  Monday I was sneezing more and my sinuses seemed to be full of tree pollen.  April is always the worst month of the year for me, allergy-wise.  Last year I got the needle test done by my allergist and the spots where they tested for tree pollen swelled up so much that I had to get a shot because my arm was the size of my thigh, and then I had disgusting scabs for about two weeks.  So I just figured that it was a really bad couple of days.  Tuesday morning I swam, which always makes me feel better because it cleans the yellow powder out of all my crevices and tissues when I inevitably snort water on a flip-turn, but when I got out of the water I actually felt worse.  In the late afternoon, I got dressed for my ride and sat down on the couch...only to wake up an hour later with my ears ringing and my sinuses throbbing.  So, I'm sick.  I went to the doctor yesterday who very annoyingly didn't examine me before sending me away with nothing but a lecture on taking better care of my body (seriously?).  This morning I'm starting to feel on the upswing and don't have any killer workouts on the schedule today so I'm going to give them a whirl.  I'm trying, with not a lot of success, not to stress about the workouts that I missed especially since my long ride for the week was in there.  A lesson that I've struggled with learning is that you can't make-up missed workouts - some call it the "there's no extra credit in IM training" rule - but I'm hoping that maybe rather than making it up, my schedule can get adjusted a bit to include at least a longer ride this weekend when I'm feeling 100% again.  Or maybe I'll just have to grit my teeth and move forward and learn my stupid lesson.

2. I still don't have a job, but I have to say thank you.  Thank you to everyone who has sent me emails and texts and calls and words of support.  I never wanted to be reminded in this way of how much love there is in my life, but it's been amazing and pouring in my direction and I have to offer up a big thank you to everyone who has sent it my way.  I'm still, a week later, working through all the links and positions and emails that have come my way and am constantly overwhelmed (in a good way) by how much is out there.  I will say that the poet and I have been talking about making some big life changes - you may remember me being a secretive wench about it a few months ago - and this might be a sign from the universe that it's time to head in that direction.  As of right now, we haven't made any major life decisions, but we are laying it all out on the table and trying to think of this whole mess as an opportunity rather than the sucker punch that it feels like.

3. I'm going to have to buy this race picture.  I don't even really remember the photographer but I think he was in a clump of people with ridiculous signs.
I actually don't remember seeing a photographer anywhere on the course, which means that I had no opportunity to make scary faces and show off my guns.  Sad.