
wait, when did may end? is it june?

So, instead of doing random fact Friday, I realized that May ended.  wtf?  When did that happen?  Stupid calendar.  Let's see how I did...... May Goals Run 1 race, no longer than a 5K Nope, couldn't even do this. Stop eating 2 Luna Bars & a banana and calling it lunch I'm getting better, although now the Luna bars are attacking my breakfast.  But lunchtime pb&j is my new boyfriend. Get back in the pool YES!  Yes!  I swam...umm...4 times, each one much better than the last. Find a new way to get more protein and less carbs in my diet (i.e. bread and cheese is not a food pyramid) I think I did much better at this, although "less carbs" was a much bigger success than "more protein."  I'm a work-in-progress. Stay on the bike longer than 40 minutes (see: sleeping ass) DailyMile reports I had one 45 minute ride, and one 55 minute spin class.  Win. Increase the weight I am lifting in every exercise I looked through my DM workouts - I did this, exc

three things thursday

1. I had an amaaazzzzing swim yesterday, and it was exactly what my body needed.  I was still tight and stiff everywhere from my last two leg workouts, so I skipped bike/legs day and went to the pool.  I spent most of the time swimming working on my 5-stroke breathing, which I completely suck at, because I can't breathe over my right shoulder without sucking in a lungful of water through my nose and then spending the next 10 strokes horking and snarking water everywhere like a pig in mud while creating a giant traffic jam.  By the time I finished, though, it was much better - I'm still lifting my head too high out of the water on that side instead of turning, but at least I'm breathing in air only.  I also did 2 sprint sets - a ladder and then 8x25yds - and was pleased with both how good I felt and my time on the 25's.  My shoulder didn't really bother me at all, and I think I'm moving from "recovery" to "rebuild."  I've also decided to s

wordless wednesday: food porn


long weekend part II

I got home early Sunday afternoon and had just enough time to unpack & hit the gym before it was BBQ (beer) time.  I decided to try some real speedwork - as opposed to the walk/run interval training I've been doing all month - to check off a goal for May.  5x400 at (picks pace from air) 8:00 pace sounds good to me!  I walked 2 minutes, ran 5 at 9:30 pace, walked 2, and was off.   1. 1:53 - life is amazing!  I can fly! 2. 1:56 - this feels great! Wow, I'm really sweating.  Also I have to pee.  I know!  I'll use the 1 minute recovery to pause the TM, race to the bathroom, and hop back on instead of walking.  Good call. 3. 1:59 - yikes, probably should've walked instead of zipping around the gym. 4. 2:04 - whose bright idea was this, anyway? 5. 1:57 -' In the last 3-5 seconds, my IT band fired a pretty strong warning shot across the bow (whatever the fuck you're doing, STOP IT NOW), so I walked a cool-down instea