
wordless wednesday

And they lived happily ever after.

swim bike run drink

...all in the same 72 hours. Friday I swam & Saturday I rode, so I thought it only appropriate that I run on Sunday.  I showed up to the Sunday morning long run with idle thoughts of something in the 6-8 range.  It's not time to start ramping up the long run yet, but I'd be happy to have a solid 8 going into training.  A friend showed up who was recovering from injury and was planning on 6, so I figured I'd do 6 with her and then decide if I wanted to tack on any extra. We headed down the tow path towards Georgetown, and it was hot and steamy and even at 7am, being in the direct sunlight was rough.  By the time we turned around, I was really regretting my decision to leave my handheld water bottle in the car ("It's only 6, who needs water for 6?"  I'm a genius).  By the time I hit 4 I had to stop and walk.  My HR monitor doesn't work for some reason, usually showing my HR somewhere in the mid-200s, but this time I believed it.  Whew. ...

Reston Century: course preview

On Friday I was pretty unmotivated to do anything so I slept in like the lazy, rest-loving slag that I am right now .  I knew that Saturday was going to be a tough day of hilly riding with Emily so I took advantage of the excuse opportunity to fill up on carbs and stay in my sweats until noon.  I got a weird spark of motivation in the afternoon, so I hit the pool for a pretty easy swim and then we loaded up on beer bread and Thai food and went to bed just after 9. Saturday morning came VERY early but we managed to eat our peanut butter official triathlete breakfasts and be on the road just after 5am.   The Reston course, of course, was nowhere near as horrifying as I remembered .  Most of the climbing is concentrated in the inner two loops from the Hamilton rest stop, so I mapped out a cue sheet from there.  In the century, the first loop is 31 miles and the second loop is 20 miles.  Our plan was to park at the rest stop and ride each loop, and then deci...

I moved!

I moved!  I'm not sure where this will push through on your readers or if it will at all, but make sure you're still along for the ride! More tomorrow.  Hope everyone had a great weekend!