Ironman Boulder Run: race report
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one WILD and PRECIOUS life? - Mary Oliver My friend Elizabeth posted this quote the night before ironman and, like random voices and words tend to do in the last few hours before a race, it came along for the ride. One of the many truths about ironman is that taking a shot at it, that is rare. It isn't a 5K where I can race another one next weekend if I choke. Months of preparation and many many dollars go into a single day, and I will be lucky enough to stand on this particular line very few times over the course of my life. Part of my race plan included wearing my little hydration pack. I did all my long runs with it, I had the idea that if I could avoid aide stations and be entirely self-sufficient, that would be a contributing factor to my success (despite the fact that I feel like a giant dork with it on; as my friend Scott said, you'll be the giant dork that gets to the finish line the fastest ). It had everyth