the weeks are just marching along
It's monthly recap time! And yes, you can boo and throw tomatoes at my March pun. March Goals When the alarm goes off, do not check email/read twitter/read blogs for 45 minutes before getting out of bed. Total and complete fail. I think this might be a lost cause. Stop apologizing about the bikini wax/leg hair situation to Dr. Paul (and maybe do something about it?). Did something about it! Buy a real desk chair. I've only had it for a few days and I'm wondering why I didn't do it three years ago. Get off the elliptical and back on the road completely. The elliptical is a distant memory. Learn how to cook dinner that does not involve cheese. Some progress here. Stop stalking other people's training while in a funk. It never helps. Very little progress here. Paint the upstairs bedroom. Check! Ask the poet to come and videotape my swim stroke. Nope, but our trip to CO is negating the main reason why I wanted to tape it. A lot of March w