1. My calf behaved better than I expected last weekend at the half - I didn't even notice it during the race. Afterwards, once I got blood moving again and then sat down for a while, it stiffened up and felt really sore in the area of the tear. I knew it was possible that running would open up the tear again, so I wasn't too worried. I don't like taking advil/ibuproufen after a race, so I spent the first couple of days alternating ice baths and epsom salt baths, doing some light stretching, and just in general trying to treat my legs with sparkly kid gloves. Once I got through my post-race Oreo-and-BBQ-quesidilla bender, I hopped right back on the recovery food train, and I've been sleeping 9-10 hours every night. So there's some serious healing going on over here. I saw my "doesn't hurt me" PT on Tuesday morning, and she said that there's a lot of scar tissue and inflammation and adhesions just floating around in the calf right now. She dug