
random friday facts

1. The yoga class with the teacher that I really like meets on the only weekday that I have a meeting over my lunch hour and can't go.  It's hard being me. 2. We finally figured out why Sofie smells so bad after four baths and cleaning her ears out every day for a month.  Double ear infection and massive skin infection.   3. My company doesn't do direct deposit, and I really miss it. 4. I wish I could mute people on twitter. 5. I love NFL football, but I really don't care about the Super Bowl this year. 6. I have absolutely no itch to race (or sign up for races) right now. 7. I made muffins last night.  With a hammer. 8. I got up early(ish) this morning to swim and didn't realize until I was in the water that I actually could have slept in another hour. 9. I am still not planning anything for after IM in 2012, but I've already had rather vague thoughts about what I'd like to do in 2013.  This horrifies me. 10. I had a bunion surgic...

three things thursday

1. Like everyone else in DC, I've been enjoying the unseasonably warm weather.  If I could find a part of the country where it was 55-75ยบ and sunny/partly cloudy year-round, I would move there.  Ideas?  In the meantime, I'll be really happy to keep wearing shorts and a teeshirt in January and hope that if we do have a ridiculously hot summer because of the mild winter, it at least has the decency to wait until after June 24th to get really bad. 2. For a long time, I couldn't eat leftovers.  Once a hot dinner got cold, I couldn't stomach it again.  I'm not sure why, it had something to do with the smell.  There were a few things that I could deal with if I plugged my nose while reheating - pizza, chili - but in general, ugh.  One of my pet peeves is seeing food go to waste, but fortunately I live with the poet , who will eat just about anything as long as it's food.  However, as I'm getting deeper into training, I'm starting to get better about it...

head down january

I made goals for January? January Goals Keep wearing the Christmas tree swimsuit until it wears out.   Still wearing it, although it's starting to turn into a droopy transparent parachute. Don't strangle any fat people at the gym  (I know this should be, "be encouraging and patient with new exercisers," but, come on, have you met me?).   I managed to mostly avoid this mess, mostly because I went during off-hours. Eat spinach more often.  It worked for Popeye and appears to be one of the possibly-missings in my diet. This month brought a lot more greens into my diet! Clean out the iTunes library.  No one needs this much Genesis.   Cleaned out and moved to an external HD.  My computer is so fast now! Learn to cook eggplant in a way that does not involve pizza. Well, that's a big fail.  Do I get credit for cooking the cauliflower? Keep rotating shoes despite a love bordering on obsession for the new pink ones.   Shoes have been rotated ...

[insert crank joke here]

I got the call yesterday that my fabulous new crank had arrived, so I dropped everything and headed out to Bonzai.  Bike components are so beautiful.   Apparently replacing a crank isn't a 5-minute job, so I had plenty of time to kill. But pretty soon, I was instructed to   stop harassing the staff   go eat dinner and drink beer.  Which I did.  By the time I had giggled my way back to the shop, it was ready to go. Isn't it beautiful? These somehow jumped in the car and came home with me as well.  I've only been lusting after them for two months now.  Please ignore the permanent compression-sock-imprints. As an added bonus, the weather here in DC is ridiculous today, so I get to take my fabulous new crank out for a spin before the sun goes down.  How are you enjoying our mild winter that is certain to guarantee a horrendous summer?