December recap: this is not a 2011 recap post
Let's take a look at my December - and only December - goals. December Goals Make sure to keep getting enough sleep and good food as training ramps back up. Mostly check. Don't be afraid to ask for rest if you need it, but don't be a lazy bum. Check! Get the bike fit straightened out. Oops. Plan a mini-vacation for somewhere in the middle of IM training. You'll appreciate it when it shows up. Our mini-vacation dollars are going instead to expanding our family. That should be just as relaxing, right? Spend more time in the pool than any other month in 2011 (14+ miles). 24+ miles in the pool this month. I started out December feeling kind of gun-shy about getting back into a training schedule, and that shows in my goals. I was pretty concerned that my feelings of burnout were going to get worse, not better, and that's a terrifying way to feel 6 months out from ironman. I decided with my coach to push the official start of our training back a week so