three things thursday
1. I'm in week 6 of IT-related self-imposed boot camp, and my body is changing. I've probably lost 10 lbs or so since I started this - actually probably more, but tacked it back on in muscle - and I can really tell the difference. My hips don't bubble out quite as far, my boobs are shrinking (HIP. HIP. HOOOOORRAAY!!!!) and I don't think my leg muscles have ever been so big, strong, and toned. So much for my chicken legs dream..... My upper body is coming along much more slowly due to the restraints of my recovery from shoulder surgery, but I'm adding a bit more every workout. And I hate hate HATE doing crunches (mostly because I feel like I don't know how to do them correctly and I get a headache after about 4), and planks are still out of the question, so my abs are probably the weakest thing right now. Time to turn that on.... 2. I turned my nose up at the recumbent bike yesterday and hopped on a spin bike instead. WOW - does that make a huge diffe